In the show John interacts with every character.
Katie: The first character we meet is Katie, his girlfriend. The relationship John has with her is a weird one. Katie in the way she talks can come across as motherly, she is overly attached and wants to do everything with John, at the start of the play she accompanies him to his first day teaching at school the way a mother would her child on his going to school, John gets embarrassed by her on a regular basis, but he still loves her through this, the two would do almost anything for each other, this is echoed in scene 4 when we find out Johns actual mother still does Johns washing and cooks him tea, despite the fact he is a grown man.
Steven: Johns Relationship with Steven is a distant one, he sees Steven as a boss and nothing else the two would not be associated with each other unless it was for work related reasons, John is then flattered during the final scene when Steven compliments him on his ability as a teacher.
Jacqueline: Similar to his relationship with Steven, John finds Jaqueline irritating and would not associate himself with her normally, the reason they are seen together is because of the mutual relationships they have.
Sarah: John finds Sarah a tolerable person to be around, he and Sarah have some opinions the same and so when he wants advice from a more experienced teacher, he would go to her.
Lacie: John’s relationship with Lacie is a working relationship, they talk about to each other in work and remain polite, he sees her as someone he could be working with for a while and so he will be friendly and remain on her good side. He also seeks advice from her at times hoping that someone who has recently been in his position could help him.
Lily: John likes Lily, she is one of his preferred students because he can see how hard she tries. He is willing to help her at any time because she is willing to put the effort into doing the work, he also feels a sense of pride over her because when she passes her exams he knows he coached her to do so, she is the student who makes John realise he can be a good teacher and their relationship is strong enough that they can have jokes with each other.
Mr Hamilton and Mrs Hamilton: John does not like them, after meeting Lily’s parent John knew he would have to step up his game as a teacher and he uses the response they had towards him as motivation so he will never upset any students parents again.
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