Having just had our second and final production meeting with Darren and Alex, in which I handed over the technical rider for Ungraded, we have finalized the requirements for set, props, sound and lighting. We have solved the minor issue of the projection screen, which we had to ensure was not going to get in the way of the performers and vice versa. We have decided to use front projection onto a screen which will be high enough to accommodate for our tallest performer and the additional rostrum platform. I has however, become apparent that the cue sheets for lighting and sound are not currently correct and will need changing before our tech day. Furthermore the videos such as the snapchats and the texts still need to be filmed and a cue sheet for them is also required before the tech day. This has been a particularly stressful day as Stage Manager, however I have maintained a calm and positive attitude, whilst simultaneously reinforcing the fact that all the necessary work will have to be completed before tech day, so that I am able to approve everything and complete a full cue script prior to tech day.